The life that was ......... And is now

Vijayalakshmi Yerra
3 min readOct 5, 2020

This pandemic was a sudden jerk, brake that was long required to slow down the roller coaster pace of life that the human race had adapted. Knowingly the human species had almost crossed all limits of his Ego and there was no signs of stopping or slowing down to even ponder where our world was going to. Literally this Universe, the so called bubble of life, our existence, our dream, our creation, innovative imaginative scientifically advanced, though politically divided, economically stable but environmentally not friendly was on the verge of self-destruction and sliding towards an apathy of egoistic competition, terror and extremely over exploitation of its resources.

The beautiful world was abundant with natural resources, loaded with hidden treasures, unpolluted breathing air, water and life species. This universe of Life was a beautiful pure existence of living beings and non-living beings handed to us by the creator. Many civilizations bloomed and started to establish their stamp on this earth. But man to prove his power and supremacy went into combat mode and started to claim lands, building empire, conquering other neighbouring habitats, oppressing people to prove his leadership.

The man's quest for power, built empires and divided the land by race, creed, color and also the environment, mother nature was taken over and exploited to the maximum to make their countries richer by the resources. Mother nature was bruised so heavily that oil, rich resources from the bottom of the earth and all its natural abundant beauty was broken, dug exploited to the extent of killing our earth and endangering all species which relied on her. Today we are on the brink of destruction to the extent that lands have changed their borders, the water levels have been altered and forests have been destroyed thus endangering so many species of animals to almost extinction.

Man, thought or thinks he is the powerful being that by the intelligence of his brain, he can change the course of the mother nature and thus through his powerful methods has for sure harnessed the world and built his symbols of supremacy and has made this earth a concrete jungle by replacing natural habitat. This is the civilization that we have built proudly over centuries but at the cost of our very own existence by going against nature.

Also human species has divided itself in this competitious world that we have boundaries, different rules, standards, governance and laws. So in short we have divided people and differentiated each human from each other. Are we in the right direction.....we need to retrospect for our own survival. This world now needs emergency oxygen and Nature was an equalizer and will be one by showering her blessings by way of natural calamities. Nature is doing its course to punish the egoistic undoings of the man.

Through our own misdoings, this pandemic has hit us hard that we have to wake up and understand the real need of the hour and act accordingly. But man at a larger picture has still not learnt his lessons and the divides and other political, sociological, economic and psychological differences still exist and never seem to end. The recent Chinese agression proves that we will still continue with our egoistic divides for supremacy no matter what happens.

But man as an individual entity has realized that he has to slow down and explore devious ways and means to come out of this pandemic blues. As a human being , he has understood he should be sensitive, calm, self conscious of his deeds and work for a better change in our lives.
Hopefully now at a larger level too we will work for our peace, economic growths and betterment of the living species and especially the human race.
The immediate global need is a vaccine to check this Pandemic and this should be shared globallly. Next we should be concentrating on Mother nature and arrest global warming and climate change. In that direction the world should come together to make this earth environmental friendly. To achieve all this, first of all the countrries governing bodies should stop their political agendas and work towards reducing terrorism and work for peace and cooperation.

To bring about thee changes, we require to make serious resolutions, lifestyle changes, forego individual ego and be committed to work for the positive approach towards society and global concerns along with our independent priorities. I am concerned so today, each one of us should make a promise to become a global citizen and work for the larger society irrespective of race, country and community.



Vijayalakshmi Yerra

Love Life, Nature's Best Friend, Content Writer Project Lead in Publishing field Mother, Family is my Strength and Solace Always ready to make friends for Life